Robocon 2019 - Hong Kong Contest

All students of engineering, including diplomas & undergraduates can participate in this contest. ROBOCON gives them a chance to think creatively. It brings together young people with similar skills and promotes friendship amongst them. When the young people who are the future of a country, get a chance to innovate, it helps in the advancements of the broadcasting and engineering skills and paves way for invention.

In this competition, the students are asked to create a robot, which has to complete a specified task within a stipulated period. The group of students whose robot is able to perform the task with most accuracy wins the prize. Every year the contest is organized by a member country, who decides the theme of the contest.


Robocon 2019 Theme:

Team Crimson’s MR1 and MR2

These are what our team developed:


This is my first time playing as a team member in robocon. Thanks for the seniors letting me to join this event and they taught me alot. During my training, the seniors are friendly, and I really love this place.
This year our team is lacking of programmer, so thankfully the seniors let me participated in the programme group of the team and gave me a chance to contribute. My Role in the Team is programmer of the manual robot, with semi-auto function. Our team won the best engineering design award this year.

Our Team

This year we were doing it in a rush… Our Work is so Expensive.
