I made a Web game! (Paper Warfare)

Game Info

Game: Paper Warfare

Paper Warfare is a top-down combat game for the PC that developed with Unity. Players customize their own self-made paper aircraft, control them on the battlefield to duel with other aircraft creations from their opponents. Paper Warfare originated from a simple “Flick and Hit” game which is inspired by collective primary school memories of Hong Kong teenagers playing paper-folded aircraft back in their childhood. In that real-life game, each player first uses a piece of paper to fold their own aircraft, then they put their self-made aircraft onto the desk, then flick their aircraft and try their best to knock out their opponent. The first aircraft that gets knocked out of the desk will lose the game. Our game is mainly based on this mini-game concept, as we wish to arouse people with those nostalgic memories.

Platform: WebGL
Game Type: PVE, SinglePlayer

The project is built entirely using Unity 2020.3.1f1 .

Demo Videos

Some Development Progress Showcase

Final Demo

Game Link

You can play the game at : https://simmer.io/@vinesmsuic/paper-warfare-16-9

Left Click pull and release: Movement Attack
Right Click: Heavy Attack (Shockwave)
Key 1: Head Skill
Key 2: Wing Skill
Key 3: Tail Skill