Markdown Cheatsheet 2.0
Many People dont know how to write a .md file so I fork the cheatsheet from somewhere else and put it here. P.S. This cheatsheet is for hexo markdown.
C++ Pointers 教學
最近開始重新摸一下C++語言,畢竟打好根基是很重要的。我個人是比較喜歡看書,所以我推介大家去讀這本《C++ Primer》來學C++ (我個人是用5th Edition)。今天來談一下Pointer,這個所有Programmer都討厭的東西。為什麼?因為Pointer通常難以理解,即使是有經驗的Programmer也常常因為調試Pointer引發的Error而備受折磨。
人性的弱點 [好書推介]
アリレム – 幻灯花
ABU Robocon 2019 HK - Reflection
This is my first time playing as a team member in robocon. Thanks for the seniors letting me to join this event and they taught me alot. During my training, the seniors are friendly, and I really love this place.This year our team is lacking of programmer, so thankfully the seniors let me participated in the programme group of the team and gave me a chance to contribute. Our team won the best engineering design award this year.
被討厭的勇氣 [好書推介]
這是在去年十一月時讀的書 《被討厭的勇氣》,《被討厭的勇氣第二部》 和 《為愛徬徨的勇氣》抄出來的對話。個人覺得《被討厭的勇氣》兩部曲真的很好看,誠意推介。人生不如意事十常八九,我們不可能在每一件事情上都獲得成功。作為一個完美主義者,有時候真的會對自己很失望,從而失去自信。
Live2D in Hexo
Feel so lonely building your own blog? You can add a anime character on your blog!
Markdown Cheatsheet
Many People dont know how to write a .md file so I fork the cheatsheet from somewhere else and put it here. P.S. Github doesnt support html tags.
Set Up Your Hexo Website
Wanna make your first blog? I recommend using hexo to build your blog! In Hexo, All features of GitHub Flavored Markdown are supported. You can even use most Octopress plugins in Hexo, and Node.js brings you incredible generating speed.