
Memorizing GRE vocabularies was a nightmare to me because I am poor at memorizing things. So I came up a way to help myself memorize those vocabularies.

My method is straight forward and inspired by Word Embeddings: a vector space where texts are encoded into a word vector, and the words vector that are closer in the vector space are expected to be similar in meaning.

Basically, I try to create a list of my learning vocabularies and try to assign words with samilar meanings in similar positions. Such that when I recall a vocabulary, I can easily memorize the nearby vocabularies. This helped alot of some GRE questions when I need to find similar vocabularies as answer.

By the way, I also used Magoosh Flashcards which also helped me to memorize the vocabularies.

A Dump of my learned vocabs


arduous = demanding considerable mental effort and skill; testing powers of endurance (艱鉅)
poignant = emotionally touching (凄美的)
sentimental = effusively or insincerely emotional, especially in art, music, and literature (感性的)
boorish = ill-mannered and coarse or contemptible in behavior or appearance (粗野的)
churlish = lacking manners or refinement (粗魯的, 粗野的)
raffish = marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness (不修邊幅的)
rakish = marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness (放蕩不羈)
panache = distinctive and showy elegance (華麗,神氣十足)
debonair = having a sophisticated charm (尤指男人)有魅力的,明亮照人的,風度翩翩的
smug = marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction (沾沾自喜的)
complacent = contented to a fault with oneself or one’s actions (自滿)
ostentatious = showing off (刻意炫耀的), tawdry or vulgar (俗氣或粗俗)
tawdry = tastelessly showy; cheap and shoddy (俗氣的)
whimsical = determined by impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason (異想天開的)
obtuse = slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity (愚笨的;遲鈍的;遲緩的)
vacuous = unintelligent, devoid of intelligence, matter, or significance
benighted = without knowledge or morals (愚昧的,無知的)
cerebral = involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct (理智的;理性的)
nonchalant = coming across as uninterested or unconcerned; overly casual (若無其事;漠不關心)
unprepossessing = creating an unfavorable or neutral first impression (乏味的;沒有吸引力的)
besotted = very drunk
besotted with = strongly affectionate towards (迷戀的;愛得發狂的)
enamored = strongly attracted to or in love with. (喜愛的;迷戀的)
avid = marked by active interest and enthusiasm (狂熱的)
ebullient = very energetic, positive, and happy 精力充沛的;熱情洋溢的;興高采烈的
effervescent = marked by high spirits or excitement
trenchant = characterized by or full of force and vigor; having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect (一針見血的)
scintillating = brilliant and lively
incisive = intelligent, having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions (尖銳)
percipient = highly perceptive (洞察力強的)
perspicacious = acutely insightful and wise (聰穎的;敏銳的;有洞察力的)
sagacious = having good judgement and acute insight (聰慧的,洞察事理的; 睿智的)
prolific, fecund = intellectually productive (多產)
erudite = well-educated, having or showing profound knowledge (博學)
rarefied = made more subtle or refined (高深精妙的;曲高和寡的 圈子或氣氛)
eminent = outstanding, standing above others in quality or position, prominent (傑出)
ethereal = light and delicate, especially in an unnatural way 輕飄縹緲的;優雅的;(尤指)超凡的
inimitable = defying imitation; matchless (無雙的,無與倫比的;無法模仿的)
illustrious = widely known and esteemed; having or conferring glory (著名的;卓越的)
creditable = deserving of praise but not that amazing; Good but not great
estimable = deserving of esteem and respect 值得敬重的,值得敬佩的;值得稱道的
laudable. commendable = worthy of high praise, admirable
redoubtable = inspiring fear or awe (可敬的;令人敬畏的)
august, majestic =(尤指因社會地位高而)威嚴的,令人敬畏的
edifying = enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage intellectual or moral improvement (啟發性)
diffident = lacking self-confidence
assertive = confident and aggressive (堅定自信的)
sanguine = cheerful; optimistic
Pollyannaish = extremely optimistic
sententious = to be moralizing, usually in a pompous sense (好說教的;說教式的;自以爲是的)
vaunted = highly or widely praised or boasted about (被吹噓的;被誇耀的)
self-effacing = reluctant to draw attention to yourself (不愛出風頭的;謙虛的)
unassuming, modest = 謙虛的
pompous, haughty = arrogant
insolent = rude and arrogant (傲慢的)
supercilious = haughty and disdainful; looking down on others
overweening = arrogant; presumptuous (傲慢的;自負的;過於自信的)
imperious = having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy
cavalier = given to haughty disregard of others (漫不經心的)
derogative = disparaging (貶義的)
contemptuous = scornful (輕蔑的) , looking down at others with a sneering attitude
snide = mocking in an indirect way or derogatory, expressive of contempt (嘲弄的;貶抑的)
derisive = abusing vocally; expressing contempt or ridicule (嘲笑的)
sardonic = ironically humorous; scornful and mocking (譏諷的,冷嘲的,輕蔑的)
deferential = respectful
reverent = feeling or showing profound respect or veneration (虔誠的)
irreverent, flippant = showing inappropriate levity (輕率的;浮誇的, 不認真的)
impertinent = disrespectful, bold, rude
disaffected = discontented as toward authority (心存不滿)
invidious = likely to cause resentment (尤指由於不公)可能招致不滿的,易引起反感的
indignant = feeling anger over a perceived injustice
irate = very angry
inimical = hostile (usually describes conditions or environments)
impassion, fiery = 熱情
dispassionate = unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice (冷靜)
serene = calm and peaceful (安詳)
placid = not easily irritated (心平氣和)
insufferable = intolerable, difficult to endure (難以忍受的,不能容忍的)
petulant, peevish, splenetic = easily irritated or annoyed (暴躁的)
bilious = irritable; always angry
fractious = irritable and is likely to cause disruption ; fractiousness
choleric = prone to outbursts of temper; easily angered (易怒的)
irascible = quickly aroused to anger (暴躁) ; irascibility
surly = inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace (粗暴的)
vehement = marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions (激動)
harried = troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances (持續受小問題困擾)
nettlesome, vexatious = causing irritation or annoyance (惱人的,氣人的;使不愉快的)
ignominious = (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame (可恥)
impudent, cheeky = bold, shameless (厚顔無恥)
brazen = unrestrained by convention or propriety (厚顔無恥)
obdurate = unable to be persuaded or moved emotionally; stubborn; unyielding.
tenacious = stubbornly unyielding (頑強)
adamant = refusing to change one’s mind (固執的)
obstinate = resistant to guidance or discipline; stubbornly persistent (固執的)
dogmatic = highly opinionated (固執己見)
peremptory = bossy and domineering (專橫的,霸道的)
officious = intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner (愛指手畫腳的,愛發號施令的;自以為是)
dictatorial, autocratic = tyrannical (強橫獨裁的), characteristic of an absolute ruler
magisterial = offensively self-assured or given to exercising unwarranted power (有絕對權威的)
inviolate = must be kept sacred (不受侵犯的;未受破壞的;不受褻瀆的)
sacrosanct = 神聖不容更改(或侵犯)的
inviolable = never to be broken, infringed, or dishonored (不容侵犯的/無法破壞的/不容置疑的)
bellicose, belligerent, pugnacious = warlike (好戰)
truculent = having a fierce, savage nature (殘暴的)
admonitory = cautionary, serving to warn (忠告的)
sanctimonious = hypocritical (僞善的)
ignoble = dishonorable (卑鄙的)
base = the lowest, without any moral principles; despicable (賤的;卑下的,卑鄙的)
sordid = involving ignoble actions and motives (骯臟的;卑鄙的;利欲熏心的)
hagiographic = excessively flattering toward someone’s life or work (過分奉承)
unscrupulous = immoral, without scruples or principles (沒有顧忌和原則)
scrupulous = characterized by extreme care and great effort (一絲不苟) , principled (有原則的)
didactic = excessively instructive, educational
vindictive = revengeful
jocular = characterized by jokes and good humor (詼諧)
ribald = humorously vulgar(指言語)粗俗詼諧的;猥褻逗笑的
querulous = habitually complaining (愛發牢騷的)
facetious = cleverly amusing in tone (戲謔的)
garrulous, loquacious = very talkative, full of trivial conversation
histrionic = to be overly theatrical (做作的,裝腔作勢的)
reticent = disinclined to talk, not revealing one’s thoughts (沉默寡言)
glib = speaking with ease but without sincerity (油腔滑調)
grandiloquent = puffed up with vanity (賣弄詞藻的,言辭浮誇的,過分華麗的)
inarticulate = unable to speak well; without or deprived of the use of speech or words (口齒不清)
articulate = able to speak well (口齒伶俐)
affable, amiable, genial, agreeable = friendly (和藹可親)
expansive = prone to talking in a sociable manner (友善健談的;豪爽的;開朗的)
gregarious = sociable
obliging, accommodating = showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others (樂於助人)
stolid = having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited (沉著)
phlegmatic = showing little emotion (冷靜的,沉著的,鎮定的)
solicitous = showing care and helpful attention to someone (關心的,關切的)
apathetic = uncaring, indifferent (冷漠)
craven = pathetically cowardly (像懦夫的)
timorous = timid by nature or revealing fear and nervousness, afraid (膽怯的)
unruly = disobedient, lacking in restraint or discipline; unwilling to submit to authority
refractory = stubbornly resistant to authority or control (不聽話的)
obstreperous = noisily and stubbornly defiant; willfully difficult to control (吵鬧不服管束的)
complaisant, compliant = showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others (順從的)
docile = easily handled or managed; willing to be taught or led or supervised or directed (溫順)
baleful = threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments (惡毒的;威脅的)
fell = terribly evil
diabolical = devilish
malevolent = wishing or appearing to wish evil to others; (壞心腸的, 惡毒的)
macabre, gruesome = deathlike, eerie, ghastly
moribund = declining rapidly losing all momentum in progress (停滯不前的)
moribund = being on the point of death; (垂死的)
factitious = artificial; not natural
contrived = artificial and difficult to believe (人為的,不自然的;牽強的)
uncanny = suggesting the operation of supernatural influences; surpassing the ordinary or normal
eccentric = highly unconventional or unusual (usually describes a person) (古怪)
frivolous = not serious in content or attitude or behavior (輕浮)
convivial = describing a lively atmosphere (歡樂的)
jovial = happy, full of or showing high-spirited merriment (快活的)
ineffable = too great for words(尤指喜悅)言語難以表達的,不可言喻的
elated = very happy
beatific = blissfully happy
jubilant = happy because of triumph or success
disgruntled = unhappy
sullen = showing a brooding ill humor (悶悶不樂的)
restive = restless, impatient, nervous
bleak = depressing (蒼涼)
bereft = unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited love
bereft = sorrowful through loss or deprivation (感到失落的)
doleful = filled with or evoking sadness (悲傷的,哀傷的)
crestfallen = disappointed (垂頭喪氣的;沮喪的)
saturnine, morose, gloomy = depressed, ill-tempered and not inclined to talk; (憂鬱, 鬱悶)
lugubrious = excessively mournful, sad (憂傷的,憂鬱的,悲傷的)
elegiac = expressing sorrow (悲哀的;哀怨的,憂傷的)
maudlin = overly emotional and sad (感傷)
mawkish = overly sentimental to the point that it is disgusting (無病呻吟的;多愁善感的)
ravenous = extremely hungry; devouring or craving food in great quantities (狼吞虎咽的, 貪得無厭)
voracious = very hungry, greedy, approaching an activity with gusto (貪得無厭)
futile = producing no result or effect; unproductive of success (徒勞的)
unviable = not able to work, survive, or succeed (also spelled inviable). (不能成功的;不可行的)
viable = able to work as intended or able to succeed (可行的;可望成功的
assiduous, sedulous, diligent, industrious = hard-working
laborious = characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort (費力的)
presumptuous = excessively forward, over self-confident (冒昧的)
wanton = showing no moral restraints to one’s anger, desire, or appetites (放肆)
discreet = careful to protect one’s speech/actions in order to avoid offense/draw attention (慎重)
chary = cautious, suspiciously reluctant to do something (小心的,謹慎的, 不願採取行動的)
prudent = wise
imprudent, foolhardy = not wise (輕率); imprudence
improvident = not given careful consideration (especially in money)
rash = marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences; imprudently incurring risk (輕率)
facile = arrived at without due care or effort; lacking depth (言語或理論)輕率的,未經深思熟慮的
precipitate = hasty or rash (倉促的,貿然的,輕率的)
perfunctory = done routinely and with little interest or care (敷衍)
slapdash = careless and fast (草率)
precipitous, impetuous = done with very great haste and without due deliberation (急躁魯莽的)
remiss, negligent = careless in duty (疏忽)
languid = lazy, slow and relaxed (慵懶的)
indolent, sluggish, sloth = lazy
feckless = lazy and irresponsible, lacking determination (無氣力的;無精打采的)
anemic = lacking energy and vigor (沒有活力的,無精打采的)
derelict = (of a person) not doing one’s duties | abandoned (廢棄狀態)
dilatory = procrastinating, wasting time (拖拉的)
untoward = unfavorable; inconvenient, troublesome
plodding = (of movement) slow and laborious (步履蹣跚)
bumbling = lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands (笨手笨腳的)
maladroit = clumsy (笨拙)
cumbersome, ponderous, unwieldy = difficult to handle (麻煩的, 笨重的)
punctilious = marked by precise accordance with details (一絲不苟的;循規蹈矩的)
meticulous = perfectionist, marked by extreme care in treatment of details(細緻)
fastidious = overly concerned with details; fussy (挑剔的)
consummate = having or revealing supreme mastery or skill (完美, 圓滿的)
impeccable = without fault or error, flawless
inadvertent = accidental (不經意)
fortuitous = lucky and accidental
auspicious, propitious = encouraging; favorable, lucky
unpropitious = unfavorable; (of a circumstance) with little chance of success (不吉利的)
portentous = ominously prophetic (預兆的,凶兆的)
presentiment = a feeling of evil to come (不祥的) 預感
exacting = requiring and demanding accuracy (嚴格)
stringent = rigid, demanding strict attention to rules and procedures (嚴格)
inclement = cruel, merciless (describe people), or nasty (describe weather)
mordant = (especially of humour) cruel and criticizing in a humorous way (帶幽默的尖刻的, (評論))
antic = a funny act, ludicrously odd (荒唐可笑的)
acerbic = harsh in tone (尖刻的;辛辣的)
vitriolic = harsh or corrosive in tone (尖酸的)
austere = harsh in manner of temperament (嚴肅的)
implacable = merciless, cruel, ruthless (無情的)
excruciating = extremely painful (令人難以忍受的)
incorrigible = impervious to correction by punishment, hopelessly bad (不可救藥)
impervious = not admitting of passage or capable of being affected (不能滲透的/影響的)
egregious = very bad
abysmal = extremely bad
dilapidated = in terrible condition (破舊的)
conducive = making a situation or outcome more likely to happen (有利於)
staid = characterized by dignity and propriety (保守的, 以尊嚴和禮節為特徵的)
decorous = appropriate, suitable, characterized by good taste in manners and conduct
indecorous = not in keeping with accepted standards of what is proper in polite society(無禮的)
genteel = marked by refinement in taste and manners (文雅的)
complementary = enhancing each other’s qualities (for two things or more). (互補的)
palatable = acceptable to the taste or mind
apt = appropriate
becoming = appropriate, and matches nicely
apposite = remarkably appropriate
infelicitous = inappropriate
unseemly = not in keeping with accepted standards (不合適的,不得體的;不禮貌的。)
lascivious = sexually perverted (淫蕩的,好色的)
urbane = showing refinement and the assurance from wide social experience (彬彬有禮)
gauche = lacking social polish (不善交際)
demure = modest and shy (端莊),
retiring = shy
taciturn = habitually reserved and uncommunicative (沉默寡言)
ingenuous = naïve, innocent
callow = young and inexperienced (尤指年輕人)幼稚的;不自信的;不諳世事的
jejune = immature; childish
puerile = childish; displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity
inchoate = only partly in existence; imperfectly formed 才開始的;不完全的;未發展完善的
precocious = characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity (早熟)
veracious = truthful
brusquely = in a blunt, direct manner (直率地)
forthright = characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion (直率)
evasive = avoiding or escaping from difficulty or danger or commitment | vague or ambiguous
anodyne = inoffensive (不痛不癢, (尤指透過不表達強烈的感情或意見而)不得罪人的)
aboveboard, guileless, candid = honest
unimpeachable, blameless = free of guilt; not subject to blame; 品格高尚的
artless = without cunning or deceit
arch = to be deliberately teasing (淘氣的;調皮的)
artful = skillful, clever in a cunning (狡猾) way
disingenuous = not straightforward; giving false appearance of frankness 人或其行爲不夠誠實坦白
mendacious = dishonest
treacherous = dishonest, disloyal | dangerously unstable and unpredictable
leery = openly distrustful and unwilling to confide (小心翼翼)
dubious = 半信半疑的
audacious = willing to be bold in social situations or to take risks (大膽的)
mettlesome = filled with courage or valor (勇敢的)
plucky = marked by courage and determination (有勇氣的,有膽量的)
doughty = brave; bold; courageous
robust = sturdy and strong in form
stalwart = dependable; inured to fatigue or hardships (忠實的,忠誠的;可靠的)
intrepid = fearless (強悍)
impregnable = immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with (堅不可摧)
chivalrous = valiant, being attentive to women like an ideal knight (俠義的)
contrite, remorseful = regretful (懊悔)
disheartened = made less hopeful or enthusiastic 心灰意冷
forlorn = hopeless
insidious = working in a subtle but destructive way (陰險)
magnanimous = noble and generous in spirit (對敵人或失敗者 寬宏大量的)
munificent, unstinting = very generous (大方的)
amenable = easily persuaded
fickle = liable to sudden unpredictable change, esp. in affections or attachments (善變)
intransigent, uncompromising = unwilling to change one’s beliefs or course of action (不妥協的)
unforthcoming = uncooperative (不合作的) , not willing to give up information
loath to = unwilling to do something contrary to your custom (不情願做…)
irresolute = uncertain how to act or proceed
staunch, resolute, unwavering, determined = firm
steadfast = marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable (堅定不移)
entrenched = fixed firmly or securely (根深蒂固)
inveterate = habitual (根深蒂固)
efficacious = efficient, productive, producing the intended result (產生預期的結果)
economical = avoiding waste, efficient
thrifty = frugal
parsimonious = miserly, stingy, extremely frugal, penny-pinching
penurious = miserly
profligate, extravagant, prodigal = reckless, wasteful
venality = corruptness, susceptible to bribes or corruption
insolvent = bankrupt, financially ruined
innocuous, benign = not harmful
detrimental = causing harm or injury (有害的)
deleterious = harmful to living things (有害的)
pernicious = exceedingly harmful; working in a hidden and injurious way(暗中害你的)
precarious, perilous = fraught with danger (充滿危險的, 岌岌可危)
vociferous = offensively loud
telltale = revealing
unprecedented = having never been done or known before; novel (史無前例的)
hackneyed = lacking significance through having been overused (陳腐的)
negligible = so small as to be meaningless; insignificant
telling = effective, significant
preemptive = done before someone else can do it (先發制人)
lucid = (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable (清醒的)
pellucid = transparently clear; easily understandable
evident, manifest = clear, 展現
cogent = compelling, clear and persuasive
compelling = 令人信服的,很有說服力的
limpid = having clarity in terms of expression (清澈的,透明的, 表述清楚的,明白易懂的)
aphoristic = something that is concise and instructive of a general truth or principle (愛引用格言的)
laconic, terse, pithy= concise and full of meaning (精闢)
tortuous = marked by repeated turns and bends; not straightforward
oblique = not straightforward; indirect (間接的;拐彎抹角的,不直截了當的)
discursive = (of e.g. speech and writing) tending to depart from the main point (東拉西扯的)
involved, convoluted, intricate = complicated
byzantine = intricate and complex (錯綜複雜的)
imponderable = impossible to estimate or figure out (不可估量的)
inflammatory = extremely controversial, incendiary
ambivalent = mixed or conflicting emotions about something
thoroughgoing = complete
incontrovertible = necessarily or demonstrably true; impossible to deny or disprove (不容置疑的)
irrefutable = impossible to deny or disprove (無可辯駁的,無可否認的)
arrant = complete and wholly (modifying a noun with negative connotation)
unconscionable = unreasonable
phantasmagorical = illusive; unreal (夢幻般的)
implausible = unrealistic, describing a statement that is not believable (難以置信)
spurious, specious = plausible (似是而非的) but false (以假亂真的)
specious = misleading, based on pretense; deceptively pleasing
paradoxical = seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true
dichotomous = contradictory
mercurial, erratic = not regular or unpredictable (不穩定的)
capricious = determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by reason (變化無常)
tempestuous = highly energetic and wildly changing or fluctuating (劇烈的;騷動的;狂暴的)
ethereal = intangible (無形的)
amorphous = shapeless
haphazard = without plan or organization
malleable = pliable, capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out (可塑的)
protean = readily taking on different roles; versatile (千變萬化的, 變化多端的,多變的)
pertinent = having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand (相關的)
germane = relevant and appropriate (密切相關的)
complicit = associated with or participating in an activity (有同謀關係的,串通的)
coterminous = being of equal extent or scope or duration (相連的; 幾乎一致; 有共同邊界的)
immaterial, tangential, extraneous = not relevant
contingent upon = dependent on
obsequious = groveling, submissive (低三下四, 拍馬屁的)
moot = open to argument or debate; undecidable in a meaningless or irrelevant way (爭論不休的)
factious = conflicting, warring, likely to argue or disagree (有爭議的)
contentious = likely to argue (有爭議的;引起爭論的;可能引發爭議的)
incongruous = lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness (牛頭不對馬嘴)
checkered = marked by disreputable or unfortunate happenings (有波折的,受挫折的)
analogous = similar in some respects but otherwise different
disparate = dissimilar, different
antithetical = sharply contrasted in character or purpose (對立的)
subversive = in opposition to an established system or institution. (破壞性的;從事顛覆的。)
quixotic, idealistic = wildly idealistic; impractical (不切實際的)
pragmatic = guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory (務實)
fallacious = a belief that is based on faulty reasoning (謬誤)
apocryphal = being of questionable authenticity, fake
fictitious = fake 捏造的, 虛構的
ersatz = not real or genuine; phony (通常指因爲某物過於昂貴或稀有而以其他事物)代用的
veritable = truthfully, without a doubt 不折不扣的;名副其實的
unassailable = unable to be attacked, questioned, or defeated. (無懈可擊)
unequivocal = admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding (明確的)
equivocal, ambiguous = doubtful, uncertain, confusing
muddled = confused
untenable = incapable of being defended or justified (理論或論點)難以捍衛的,站不住腳的
elusive = difficult to capture or difficult to remember (難以捉摸, 易忘的)
covert, clandestine = secret
arcane = requiring secret or mysterious knowledge
cryptic = mysterious, vague, obscure, usually intentionally
esoteric = mysterious, confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle (深奧的)
surreptitious = stealthy, taking pains not to be caught or detected (秘密的,偷偷的;鬼鬼祟祟的)
furtive = sneaky, secretive, marked by quiet and caution and secrecy (鬼鬼祟祟)
opaque = not clearly understood or expressed (不透明的)
inscrutable, unfathomable = dense and confusing, not easily understood (費解的, 高深莫測)
abstruse, perplexing, garbled = difficult to understand, incomprehensible (難以理解)
recondite = profound (深奧的)
nonplussed = unsure how to act or respond (不知所措)
patent = glaringly obvious
conspicuous = completely obvious
blatant = without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious (明目張膽的)
anomalous, aberration = atypical, abnormal
derivative = not original but drawing strongly on something already in existence (衍生物)
pedantic = marked by a narrow focus on or display especially its trivial aspects (太拘泥於形式)
tendentious = likely to lean towards a controversial view (有強烈傾向的;有偏見的(演講或文章))
jaundiced = to be biased against due to envy or prejudice (抱有成見的,狹隘的)
parochial = narrow-minded, restricted (狹隘的)
blinkered = to have a limited outlook or understanding
provident = providing carefully for the future 未雨綢繆的,有遠慮的(尤指存錢)
myopic = lacking foresight or imagination (目光短淺的)
provincial = characteristic of a limited perspective; not fashionable or sophisticated
untrammeled = not confined or limited (不受限制的;自由自在的)
halcyon = calm, peaceful
rustic, bucolic, pastoral = characteristic of rural life; awkwardly simple and provincial (鄉村, 田園的)
indigenous = originating in a certain area
endemic = native; originating where it is found
quotidian = found in the ordinary course of events (日常)
antiquated = obsolete; old-fashioned; belonging to an earlier period in time (過時的)
hoary = ancient, very old and familiar and therefore not interesting or funny
archaic = ancient, so old as to appear to belong to a different period
eclectic = comprised of a variety of styles, comprehensive, general (不拘一格的)
catholic = of broad scope; universal (廣泛的;包羅萬象的)
tempered = moderated in effect
sporadic = recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances (零星的)
destitute = poor enough to need help from others
destitute of = completely wanting or lacking
diminutive = very small (微小的,矮小的)
picayune = trifling or petty (a person) (沒有價值的;微不足道的)
trifling = minimal (微不足道的)
indigent = poor; having very little
penurious, impecunious = lacking money; poor
affluent = wealthy
forthcoming = available when required or as promised (隨時可得的)
replete = full, well-stocked (describe shelf)
appreciable = considerable, large enough to be noticed (usu. refers to an amount)
exorbitant = greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation (過分的,過高的,離譜的)
prodigious, colossal = so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe (驚人的, 巨大的)
copious = in abundant supply
flush = to be in abundance
profuse = abundant, excessive
superfluous = unnecessary, redundant (多餘)
banal, trite = repeated too often, so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring. (平庸的)
insipid = dull and uninteresting (平淡)
jejune, vapid = dull; lacking flavor (沉悶乏味的)
mundane = repetitive and boring; not spiritual, ordinary (世俗的)
desiccated = uninteresting, lacking vitality (無趣,缺乏活力的)
pedestrian, humdrum, prosaic = lacking imagination, dull
turgid = (of language) pompous and tedious(講話、寫作、風格等)太嚴肅的,枯燥乏味的
faddish = popular (流行)
tantamount = being essentially equal to something (相當於)
inexorable = impossible to stop or prevent
gossamer = light, thin and delicate (薄弱的), often refer to spider web or butterfly wings
cadaverous = emaciated (瘦弱) ; gaunt (憔悴), corpselike
appurtenant = supplying added support (附屬的)
cardinal = important, fundamental
fledgling = young and inexperienced (in an activity)
embryonic = in an early stage of development (胚胎的; 萌芽期的;剛起步的;未成熟的)
rudimentary, sketchy = being in the earliest stages of development; basic facts or principles (初級的)
impending, forthcoming = close in time; about to occur (即將到來的)
ephemeral, fleeting, transitory, transient, evanescent = lasting a very short time (短暫的)
provisional = under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon (臨時, 暫時的)
perennial = lasting an indefinitely long time; eternal; everlasting (長期)
incessant = never-ending, uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing (無窮無盡的)
extenuating = making less guilty or more forgivable (情有可原)
venial = easily excused or forgiven; pardonable (錯誤行為)輕微的,可以原諒的
lethargic = lacking energy
soporific, somnolent = inducing mental lethargy; sleep inducing (催眠的)
taxing = exhaust (費力的)
errant = to be wandering; not sticking to a circumscribed path (漫游的)
peripatetic = traveling by foot
itinerant = traveling from place to place to work
vicarious = felt as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another (感同身受的)
muted = softened, subdued (暗淡的)
impermeable = does not allow fluids to pass through (不透水的)
illicit = forbidden by law, not legal
martial = suggesting war or military life
pristine = Immaculately clean and unused (嶄新的), untouched (原始的)
winsome = charming in a childlike or naïve way (迷人的;可愛的;) winsome smile
tractable = manageable, easily managed (controlled or taught or molded)
irrevocable = fixed, incapable of being retracted or revoked (不可撤銷的)
resurgent = rising again as to new life and vigor
pejorative = expressing disapproval (usu. refers to a term) (貶義)
approbatory = expressing praise or approval (認可的)
impartial, evenhanded, equitable = free from undue bias or preconceived opinions (公正的)
incumbent = necessary (for someone) as a duty or responsibility (負有職責的,義不容辭的)
piquant = having an agreeably pungent taste (辛辣的)
malodorous = having an unpleasant smell (惡臭的)
noisome = having an extremely bad smell
mellifluous = smooth and sweet-sounding (聲音甜美的;圓潤流暢的)
intermittent = stopping and starting at irregular intervals (斷斷續續的)
cohesive = well integrated, forming a united whole (有凝聚力的)
cosmopolitan = comprising many cultures; global in reach and outlook (大都會的)
sartorial = related to fashion or clothes (裁縫的;(通常指)男裝縫製的;衣著的)
pecuniary = relating to or involving money (錢的;金錢上的)
puissant = powerful
spartan = unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment; practicing great self-denial
internecine = (of conflict) within a group or organization (戰爭或爭鬥)內部的
philistine = smug and ignorant towards artistic and cultural values (沒有文化修養的)
meteoric = like a meteor in speed or brilliance or transience (流星的)
ineluctable = impossible to avoid or evade: (無法躲避的,無法避免的)
concomitant = describing an event or situation that happens at the same time as (同時發生的事)
concomitant = in connection with another (伴隨物)
astonished = very surprised
orthodox = 正統
impassive = 目無表情
minuscule, diminutive = 細小的
ubiquitous, omnipresent = 無所不在; ubiquity
utilitarian = functional
speculative, conjectural = 推測的
startling = shocking
quiescence = calm, 平靜的,靜止的
fanciful = 空想的
superficial = 表面的
intelligible = easy to read
lucrative = 賺錢的,盈利的
stratified, hierarchical = 分層的
heterogeneous = 各種各樣的;混雜的
rigid = 僵硬的;固定的;不能彎曲的
oblivious = (尤指對周圍發生的事情)毫不在意的,毫無知覺的,未察覺的
slippery = 棘手的
pervasive = 充斥各處的;瀰漫的,遍佈的,普遍的
timely = 適時的;及時的
provocative = 引發思考的,啟發性的
provocative = 使人生氣的,挑釁的,煽動的
aggrieved = 感到委屈的;憤憤不平的
grandly = 隆重其事地;自命不凡地;煞有介事地, 宏偉地,壯麗地;盛大地,隆重地
abstemious = (尤指對美食或飲酒)有節制的;戒絕的
exhilarating = 令人極度興奮的;使人興高采烈的
chic = 時髦的;優雅的;雅緻的
grimy, murky = 骯髒
unblemished = (名聲等)無瑕疵的,無汙點的
expedient = 權宜之計的;應急的;不得已而為之的
palpable = 可感知的,易察覺的;觸摸得到的
salutary = (對行爲或性格的改善)有益的
salient = 顯著的,突出的


manifest = 顯示;表現;表明
spur to = 刺激
bar = 阻擋,阻撓;防止,禁止
deplore = to say or think that something is very bad
transmute = change or alter in form, appearance, or nature 徹底改變(尤指變成更好的他物)
disseminate = cause to become widely known (宣傳)
promulgate = to spread beliefs or ideas among a lot of people 傳播,宣揚(思想或信仰)
promulgate = state or announce; to announce something publicly, especially a new law
truncate = reduce the length of something
elicit = call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses) (引出情緒)
tout = advertize in strongly positive terms; show off
irk = irritate or vex, annoy people
goad = urge on with unpleasant comments (用言語刺激)
refute = prove to be false or incorrect (反駁)
underscore = emphasize, give extra weight to (強調)
augment = enlarge or increase; improve (增加)
subsume = include | consider
exhort = to strongly urge on; encourage (勸勉)
exacerbate = make worse
chortle = laugh gleefully (得意的高笑)
guffaw = laugh boisterously, burst of laughter
fawn = try to gain favor by extreme flattery (討好)
ingratiate = gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts (迎合)
kowtow = to bow or act in a subservient manner (卑躬屈膝,唯命是從)
grovel = show submission or fear (卑躬屈膝)
unnerve = to make nervous or upset
mitigate = alleviate, diminish (緩解)
assuage = make something intense less severe (緩和)
ameliorate = make something bad better (改善)
redress = an act of making something right (糾正)
appease = pacify by acceding to the demands of (通過接受要求來安撫)
mollify, placate, conciliate, propitiate = to make someone who is angry less angry; placate (安撫)
rankle = make resentful or angry
bristle = react in an offended or angry manner
eschew, shy away = avoid, shun, stay clear of (遠離)
elude = escape understanding (難倒)
proscribe = (of a government or other authority) to not allow something (政府)禁止
stem = stop, hold back or limit the flow or growth of something
check = to limit or hinder (usually modifying the growth of something)
hobble = to hold back the progress of something
encumber = hold back
frustrate = hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of (阻撓)
impede, stymie, hamper = be a hindrance or obstacle to (阻礙)
deter = try to prevent; show opposition to (阻止)
preclude = keep from happening or arising; make impossible (排除)
circumscribe = restrict or confine (控制;限制;抑制)
hamstrung, hamstring = made ineffective or powerless
eradicate, expunge = to completely destroy, remove
extirpate, eliminate = 拔除;消滅;根除
avert = turn away (拒絕) | ward off or prevent
balk = refuse to comply
perpetuate = cause to continue ; perpetuating
engender = cause to happen, give rise to
precipitate = cause to happen
embroiled, enmesh = be involved (捲入)
supplant = replace, take the place or move into the position of
peruse = read very carefully (細讀)
dog, hound = to pursue relentlessly, chase after
construe = interpreted in a particular way (臆測)
misconstrue = interpret in the wrong way (誤解)
vindicate = explain, speak in defense of
gainsay = deny or contradict; speak against or oppose
repudiate = reject as untrue or unfounded (否認)
remonstrate = to make objections while pleading (抗議;反對;抱怨)
buck = resist
vie = compete for something
chastise, reprimand, upbraid = scold
assail = attack in speech or writing
impugn = attack; criticize, challenge; 抨擊;質疑
castigate, excoriate, condemned, vituperate = criticize harshly
reproach = to express criticism towards (責備)
lambasted = criticize severely or angrily (受到抨擊)
foment = try to stir up public opinion (煽動事端)
reconcile = make peace, make (one thing) compatible with (another) (調和)
pontificate = talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner
patronize = treat condescendingly (居高臨下地對待)
exalt, valorize = praise or glorify (讚頌)
prevaricate = speak in an evasive way (推諉)
equivocate = to speak vaguely, usually with the intention to mislead or deceive (說模稜兩可的話)
maunder, palaver = speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
flounder = struggle (掙扎,折騰;心亂如麻)
vacillate = be undecided about something (猶豫;躊躇;搖擺); vacillation
badger = to pester (糾纏), bother
importune = beg persistently and urgently (沒完沒了地強求,糾纏)
perturb = disturb in mind or cause to be worried or alarmed (煩擾)
rile = cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations
contrive = to pull off a plan or scheme, usually through skill or trickery
finagle = achieve something by means of trickery or devious methods (欺騙)
belie = deceive (欺騙) | mispresent
dupe = deceive (欺騙) | to trick or swindle
hoodwink = to deceive or trick someone
fleece, delude = to deceive
dissemble = conceal one’s true motives, usually through deceit 掩蓋,掩飾(動機、感情、真相等)
entice, allure = persuade to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises (引誘)
renege = fail to fulfill a promise or obligation (食言 ; 毀約)
circumvent = cleverly find a way out of one’s duties or obligations (用計謀逃避)
resolve = reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation
maintain, assert = claim
corroborate = to confirm or lend support to (usually an idea or claim) (證實)
bolster = support and strengthen
concurred = support
proselytize = convert religion (促使他人進行改變信仰從而接受另一宗教或觀念)
denote = be a sign or indication of (表示)
delineate, expound = describe in detail
ornate = marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated with decorative details
embellish = make beautiful, make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.;
elucidate = make clearer and easier to understand, explain in detail
crystallize = cause to take on a definite and clear shape (使(想法或觀點)成形;使變得明朗具體)
exemplify = be characteristic of (例證) | clarify by giving an example of
confound = to cause confusion (混淆)
flummox = be a mystery or bewildering to (使困惑;使不知所措)
calumny, defamation = slander (誹謗)
degrade = reduce in worth or character, usually verbally
belittle = lessen the importance, dignity, or reputation of (貶低)
debase = reduce the quality or value of something (貶低)
demean = to insult in words (貶低)
deride = treat or speak of with contempt (嘲笑)
lampoon = ridicule with satire (諷刺)
pillory = ridicule or expose to public scorn 嚴厲抨擊;(尤指)公開批評
denigrate = charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the reputation of someone
besmirch = damage the good name and reputation of someone
vilify = spread negative information about (醜化)
desecrate = to willfully violate or destroy a sacred place (褻瀆)
wax = to gradually increase in size or intensity
inundate = to flood or overwhelm, overflow
intimate = suggest or persuade subtly
demur = show reluctance
begrudge = to give reluctantly
begrudge = to envy someone for possessing or enjoying something
lionize = idolize (崇拜)
pine = to yearn for (嚮往)
galvanize = inspire
mesmerize, enthrall = fascinate, captivate
captivate = 使著迷;迷住;吸引
venerate = admire, cherish, respect deeply
discriminate = differentiate, distinguish
differentiate = be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait (sometimes in positive sense)
rebuke = criticize severely or angrily; censure (訓斥)
censure, decry, objurgate = express strong disapproval, criticize (譴責)
execrate = to curse and hiss at (咒駡;憎惡;譴責)
debunk = expose as false ideas and claims, especially while ridiculing (揭穿(假的東西))
disabuse = persuade somebody that his/her belief is not valid
indict = to formally charge or accuse of wrong-doing (控告)
retract = formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, take back
abjure = formally reject or give up (as a belief)
snub = refuse to acknowledge; reject outright and bluntly; boycott
spurn = reject with contempt (輕蔑地拒絕)
burgeon = grow and flourish (成長和變得繁榮)
undermine = weaken, impair
attenuate = to weaken
buttress = make stronger or defensible
champion = to fight for a cause, defend (擁護,支持)
espouse = stand up for; support, ((對主義、事業等的)擁護,支持。)
enervate = reduce strength or energy
qualify = restrict, limit
immure = to enclose, usually in walls 限制(發展)
squelch, restrain = suppress or crush completely (迅速)制止,遏制
hedge = to limit or qualify a statement; to avoid making a direct statement (拐彎抹角)
bemoan = express discontent or a strong regret (抱怨;悲嘆)
censor, expurgate, bowdlerize = to examine and remove objectionable material, selectively remove
commensurate = adequate, corresponding (相稱的)
tender = offer up something formally (投標)
underwrite = to support financially
cede = relinquish possession or control over ((尤指不情願地或被迫)割讓,讓予,放棄)
concede = acknowledge or admit (to a wrongdoing), give in
abstain = give up, choose not to consume or take part in
culminate = reach the highest or most decisive point (達到高潮); a culmination
ferret = to search for something persistently
start = to suddenly move in a particular direction
meander, maunder = to wander aimlessly
juxtapose = place side by side for contrast (對照)
emulate = strive to equal or match, especially by imitating (仿效, 盡力趕上)
fete = to celebrate a person
hail = enthusiastically acclaim or celebrate something
sanction = give authority or permission to
admonish = to warn strongly, even to the point of reprimanding
disenfranchise = deprive of voting rights (剝奪公民權)
banish = expel from a community, residence, or location; drive away (放逐)
expel, oust = expel
ostracize = exclude from a community or group
exonerate = clear of responsibility or blame (宣布無罪)
rescind = cancel officially (廢除)
countermand = command cancelling or reversing a previous command 取消,撤回(命令)
inured to = accustom to
imbibe = to drink or absorb information as if drinking
devolve into = grow worse
devolve = pass on or delegate to another
connive = taking part in immoral and unethical plots
squander = spend thoughtlessly; waste time, money, or an opportunity (揮霍)
dissipate = squander or spend money frivolously
dissipate = to disperse or scatter(使)逐漸消失
eke out = To live off meager resources, to scrape by (儘量節約使用, 精打細算地維持)
exasperate = to irritate intensely (激怒) ; exasperation
incense = make furious (激怒)
posit = assume as fact
beg = assume something is true (usu. followed by “the question”)
ascribe, impute = attribute or credit to
glean = collect information bit by bit
implicate = convey a meaning; imply | to indicate in wrongdoing, usually a crime (牽連)
deign = do something that one considers to be below one’s dignity (屈尊做…,放下架子做…)
consecrate = worship; to make holy or set apart for a high purpose (供奉)
preempt = take the place of or have precedence over
coalesce = fuse or cause to grow together (合併)
compound = make more intense, stronger, or more marked
delegate = give an assignment to (a person) (代表)
behoove = to be one’s duty or obligation
morph = To undergo dramatic change in a seamless and barely noticeable fashion.
enumerate = determine the number or amount of | specify individually, one by one
deliberate = think about carefully; weigh the pros and cons of an issue (深思熟慮)
relegate = assign to a lower position (降職)
vanquish = come out better in a competition, race, or conflict (征服;擊敗)
tarnish = make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air; also used metaphorically (玷污)
duress = compulsory force or threat (脅迫)
hector = to bully or intimidate (威嚇)
browbeat = discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner (威嚇;嚇唬)
cow = to intimidate (使害怕,嚇唬,恐嚇)
quail = draw back, as with fear or pain (害怕;退縮)
differentiate = evolve to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment
lacerate = deeply hurt the feelings of; distress
dispatch = dispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently (殺死)
besiege = harass, as with questions or requests; cause to feel distressed or worried (被圍攻)
defray = to help pay the cost of, either in part or full (尤指由某組織)支付,承擔(費用)
mulct = to make someone pay money, as a fine (= a punishment) or in tax
gerrymander = to manipulate voting districts in order to favor a particular political party
enthrall = hold spellbound (迷住,使著迷;吸引住)
gravitate = 吸引住
cosset = treat with excessive indulgence (寵愛,疼愛;溺愛)
enjoin = give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority (囑咐)
conspire = 密謀;共謀;圖謀
machinate = engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together 陰謀策劃,密謀以獲利
dovetail = fit together tightly, as if by means of an interlocking joint
ossify = make rigid and set into a conventional pattern (使習慣或思想)僵化;(使)固定不變
languish = become feeble (變得虛弱)
languish = to exist in an unpleasant or unwanted situation, often for a long time 受苦,經歷苦難
recrudesce = to break out or happen again (尤指危險和不愉快的事情)再次爆發,復發
arrogate = seize and control without authority (霸佔;擅取;妄稱; 擅自)
chagrin = cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of
not brook = to not allow or accept something 不容忍;不接納(尤指異議)
afford = provide with an opportunity; afford a view (提供;給予)
appropriate = to give or take something by force 挪用;撥出 | to allocate 佔用
conflate = mix together different elements or concepts 合併,結合,混合(尤指文本)
stultify = cause one, through routine, to lose energy and enthusiasm (令人愚昧化)
bridle = the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess; hold back
bridle = to react with anger or to take offense; to show sudden anger (動怒,發火)
dolorous, lachrymose = showing sorrow (憂傷的,傷感的)
extrapolate = infer (推斷;推知)
flag = to become tired, weaker, or less effective (變得疲倦;興趣衰減)
abrogate = to end a law, agreement, or custom formally (正式廢除,廢止;撤銷)
adjudicate = formally judge
obtain = be valid, applicable, or true
misattribute = to falsely ascribe; used especially of authorship. 錯誤地歸類
capitulate = to surrender (usually under agreed conditions) (投降;屈服;停止抵抗)
scrutinize = 細看
purport = 聲稱,標榜(通常是假的)
forgo, jettison = 放棄
forestall = 預先阻止;先發制人
shackle, stifle = 束縛
teem with = 充滿
recant = 放棄
exude = 充分顯露
flout = 違背
conceive = imagine 想像;想出;構想
conversant with = 對…熟悉,對…精通
portend = 預示,預兆,預告(壞事)
invigorate = 使精力充沛,使活躍
revitalize = 使獲得新生;使復興;使恢復生機(或元氣)
outmaneuver = 智勝;比(對手)技高一籌
coerce = 強制,強迫;威逼,脅迫
oversee = 監督;監察;監管
concoct = 編造,捏造,虛構(藉口、解釋或故事)
disavow = 聲稱對…一無所知;否認對…負有任何責任;聲稱與…毫無關聯
supersede = 替代,取代(尤指陳舊或過時之物)
halted = (使)停止,停下
discern = 看出; discover
escalate = 使)增強;(使)擴大;(使)加劇;(使)惡化
soothe = 平息
deflate = 削弱


arriviste = a person who has recently reached a position of power; a social climber (一心想發跡者)
gumption = resourcefulness and determination (勇氣;進取心)
zeitgeist = spirit of the times (某一特定歷史時期的)時代思潮,時代精神
anachronism = something that is inappropriate for the given time period (不合時宜)
atavism = a reappearance of an earlier characteristic; throwback (返祖現象)
inanity = total lack of meaning or ideas | the quality of being extremely silly
reservation = an unstated doubt that prevents from accepting something wholeheartedly (保留)
credence = trust, acceptance, belief in something
ingenuity = the power of creative imagination
moment = significant and important value
boon = a desirable state; something helpful or beneficial (恩賜)
largess = extreme generosity and giving (慷慨)
predilection = a strong liking, preference toward something (偏愛)
proclivity = 傾向
relish = great enjoyment
euphoria = a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation (extreme happiness)
chagrin = strong feelings of embarrassment (尤指失敗或錯誤引起的)失望,懊喪,懊惱
animosity = intense hostility, extreme dislike
abhor = hate
anathema = a detested person; the source of somebody’s hate (令人討厭的事物)
pariah = an outcast (為社會所拋棄者;受蔑視的人;不被信任者)
antipathy = an intense feeling of dislike or aversion (反感)
enmity = a state of deep-seated ill-will (惡意)
misogynist = a person who dislikes women in particular (厭女的人)
curmudgeon = an old person who is often in a bad mood (脾氣乖戾的老人,壞脾氣的老人)
umbrage = a feeling of anger caused by being offended (未被尊重而)生氣,惱怒
melancholy = a deep, long-lasting sadness (憂鬱的)
apathy = indifference, lack of interest
prescience = the power to foresee the future
serendipity = accidental discovery (機緣巧合); serendipitous
volubility = the quality of talking or writing easily and continuously
duplicity = deceitfulness, pretending to want one thing but interested in other thing (欺騙, 雙面人)
skullduggery = 欺騙行爲;詭計
charlatan = a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks (冒充內行的人;騙子)
ploy = a clever plan to turn a situation to one’s advantage (策略)
artifice = cunning tricks used to deceive others (詭計;奸計;欺騙)
gambit = a maneuver in a game, designed to secure an advantage (常指帶有風險的)策略;險招
perfidy, treachery= an act of deliberate betrayal (背信棄義) ; perfidious
quisling = a traitor (內奸;賣國賊)
apostate = a person who has abandoned a religious faith or cause (叛教者;變節者;脫黨者)
jargon = a characteristic language of a particular group (專門語)
maxim = a short saying expressing a general truth (至理名言)
aphorism = a short instructive saying about a general truth (格言)
epigram = a witty saying; a short saying that expresses an idea in a clever, funny way 詼諧警句
apothegm, dictum = a short, pithy instructive saying (格言,箴言,警句)
epiphany = a sudden revelation or moment of insight (對重要事物的)頓悟
acrimony = nasty behavior or speech
harangue, tirade = a long speech
diatribe = a strong verbal attack against a person or institution
invective = abusive or denunciatory language
platitude, bromide = dull, overused saying (陳詞濫調)
vitriol = violent hate and anger expressed through severe criticism (尖刻的批評)
travesty, derision = an absurd presentation of something; a mockery (諷刺)
quip = a witty saying or remark (詼諧的諷刺)
asperity = harshness of manner
polemic, broadside = a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something
screed = an abusive rant which is often tedious (辱罵性的咆哮)
primacy = the state of being first in importance (第一位,首要性)
nadir = the lowest point
zenith, summit, pinnacle, apex, apogee = peak, top
exemplar = a typical or good example of something (範本;模範;樣本)
paragon = model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal (盡善盡美的典範)
apotheosis = the best or most extreme example of something (極致)
vicissitude = change in one’s circumstances, usually for the worse 變遷;人生沉浮;波折
tyro = beginner; someone new to a field or activity
dilettante = an amateur who pretends to have knowledge (無料扮四條)
pundit = someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field (學術界專家)
accolade = an award or praise granted as a special honor (榮譽)
acme = the highest point of achievement, pinnacle of achievement (成就或實物的頂峰)
heyday = top of a time period or career
respite, relief = a pause from doing something (as work)
amalgam = mixture of multiple things
hodgepodge = a confusing mixture or jumble; a patchwork
dearth, paucity = a lack of something (稀缺)
scant = barely sufficient; limited
exiguity = the quality of being meager 微小;不足
indigent, destitute = a poor or needy person
glut = an excessive supply
surfeit = an excessive amount of something
profusion = the property of being extremely abundant
raft = a large number of something
myriad = a large indefinite number (無數, 五花八門)
cornucopia = an abundant supply of something good (聚寶盆)
opulence = wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living (豪華生活的富有)
dissolution = a living full of debauchery and indulgence in sensual pleasure 放蕩和放縱肉慾的生活
parvenu = a person who has suddenly become wealthy (暴發戶)
sybarite = a person who indulges in luxury (貪圖奢侈享樂者)
smattering = a small amount of something
pittance = a small amount (of money)
stipend = a regular allowance of money (津貼)
spendthrift = a person careless with money
contrition = the feeling of remorse or guilt that comes from doing something bad
desideratum = something desired as a necessity (渴望之物)
avarice = extreme greed (one of the seven deadly sins 貪婪) ; avaricious; rapacious
cupidity = greed for money
miser = a person who doesn’t like to spend money because greedy
temperance = the trait of avoiding excesses (節制)
decorum = propriety in manners and conduct (禮儀)
iconoclast = a person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions (反傳統)
heretic = a person who holds unorthodox (非正統的) opinions in any field (異教徒)
reprobate = a person without morals (惡棍)
miscreant = a person who breaks the law (惡棍)
malfeasance = misconduct or wrongdoing ((尤指掌權者的) 違法亂紀行為,瀆職)
enormity = an act of extreme wickedness 滔天大罪;罪大惡極
ascetic = one who practices great self-denial (苦行者,禁欲者)
martinet = a strict disciplinarian
maverick = someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action (持異見者, 特立獨行)
junta = an aggressive takeover by a group (usually military) (軍人集團/政府)
virago = an aggressive or violent woman
misanthrope = a hater of mankind (憤世嫉俗者, 厭惡人類的)
sycophant = a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage (馬屁精)
egotist = a conceited and self-centered person (利己主義者)
altruism = the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others (利他主義)
chauvinist, jingoism = a person who believes in the superiority of their group (盲目的愛國心的人)
jingoist = a person who thinks their country is always right (相信自己國家永遠是最好的人)
aesthete = a person who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature (美學家)
lassitude, lethargy = extreme tiredness, either mental or physical
torpor = a state of inactivity resulting from lethargy and lack of vigor or energy (唔夠訓引起的呆滯)
culpability = a state of guilt (有罪)
clemency = leniency and compassion shown toward offenders (寬大處理)
gall = the trait of being rude and impertinent
tumult = a state of chaos, noise and confusion (騷動)
melee = a wild, confusing fight or struggle (混戰)
tribulation = something, especially an event, that causes difficulty and suffering (苦難)
quandary = dilemma, state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice
ascendancy = the state that exists when one person or group has power over another (優勢)
apprehension = anxiety, fearful expectation (顧慮)
proponent = person who advocates, supports cause
advocate = a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea
contingent = a gathering of persons representative of some larger group
malady = a disease or sickness (弊病)
idiosyncrasy, foible = a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual (怪癖)
aberrant = markedly different from an accepted norm (異常)
nuance = a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude (細微差別)
precedent = an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time (先例)
sanction = a legal penalty for a forbidden action
hegemony = dominance over a certain area
audacity = aggressive boldness in social situations (在社交場合大膽)
hauteur = overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors (倨傲,傲慢態度)
hubris = overbearing pride or presumption, arrogance (驕傲自大)
constituent = a citizen who is represented in a government by officials for whom he or she votes
constituent = an abstract part of something (組分)
discord = lack of agreement or harmony (不和諧)
collusion = agreement on a secret plot (共謀)
tact = consideration in dealing with others and avoiding giving offense (分寸感)
travail = use of physical or mental energy; hard work; agony or anguish (苦工)
credulity = tendency to believe readily (輕信)
mendacity = the tendency to be untruthful (謊言)
subterfuge = something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity (花招,伎倆;詭計)
probity = integrity, strong moral principles (誠實)
presumption = belief, hypothesis (假定)
banality = repeated too often, so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring. (平庸的)
flux = a state of uncertainty about what should be done (usually following some important event)
veneer = covering consisting of a thin superficial layer that hides the underlying substance (虛飾)
antedate = precede in time (早於)
prevail = be widespread in a particular area at a particular time; be current (盛行)
prevail = prove superior (佔上風)
conundrum = a difficult problem
resignation = the acceptance of something unpleasant that can’t be avoided
perquisite = a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (特權)
dispensation = an exemption from a rule or obligation (豁免)
carping = persistently petty and unjustified criticism (吹毛求疵)
qualm = uneasiness about the fitness of an action (疑慮;內疚;不安)
dispatch = the property of being prompt and efficient
constraint = something that limits or restricts
decimation = massacre; destroying or killing a large part of the population
inkling = a slight suggestion or vague understanding (暗示)
raconteur = a person skilled in telling anecdotes (講故事的人)
exegesis = critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text 注解,詮釋
turpitude = depravity; a depraved act (墮落)
sangfroid, poise = calmness in difficult situations (沈著,冷靜,鎮定)
aplomb = great coolness and composure under strain (自信;沉著,泰然自若)
unflappable = not easily perturbed or excited or upset; marked by extreme calm and composure
demonstrative = marked by the open expression of emotion (表示親熱的,感情外露的)
celerity = speed, rapidity
alacrity = willingness to do something with speed and eagerness (敏捷;欣然)
schadenfreude = joy from watching the suffering of others (幸災樂禍)
malapropism = the confusion of a word with another word that sounds similar (近音詞誤用)
juggernaut = a force that cannot be stopped, overpowering force
pyrrhic victory = a victory that is not worth winning because high cost (得不償失的勝利)
imbroglio = a confusing and potentially embarrassing situation (錯綜複雜的局面,困局)
palimpsest = something that changed numerous times but former iterations can still be seen (翻版)
derelicts = (of a building) abandoned
recapitulation = recap (full form), a summary
sinecure = an office that involves minimal duties (坐領乾薪的職位,閒職 ,冗職)
anodyne = painkiller, something that soothes or relieves pain
insouciance = lack of concern (無憂無慮;滿不在乎)
solecism, gaffe = a socially awkward or tactless act (失禮; 錯誤)
effrontery = audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to (厚顔無恥)
prognostication = a statement made about the future (預測)
semblance = an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading (假像)
prolixity = boring verbosity (冗長,囉嗦)
litany = any long and tedious account of something (一連串的)
temerity = fearless daring (無所畏懼)
intimation = an indirect suggestion
firebrand = someone who deliberately creates trouble (煽動鬧事者)
recrimination = mutual accusations (相互指責)
denouement = end result of a situation
corollary = a practical consequence that follows naturally (必然結果,直接的結果)
reprisal = a retaliatory action against an enemy in wartime (尤指軍事或政治的)報復,報復行動
chimera = a hope or dream that is extremely unlikely ever to come true (幻想;空想; 癡心妄想)
panacea = hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; a universal solution (靈丹妙藥)
empiricism = the belief in using empirical methods (經驗主義,經驗論)
pith = the most essential part of something
wherewithal = the essential fundings
rapprochement = the reestablishing of cordial relations (和睦,和解,恢復友好關係)
solicitude = a feeling of excessive concern (關懷)
belligerence, truculence = defiant aggressiveness (挑釁的侵略性)
conflagration = a large fire that causes a lot of damage 大火災
conflagration = a large and violent event, such as a war, involving people 衝突;災禍;戰火
cataclysm = an event resulting in great loss and misfortune (大災難)
inequity = injustice by virtue of not conforming with rules or standards (不公正,不公平)
egalitarian = 平等主義者
malingerer = shirking duty by pretending sick/incapacitated (假裝生病無行為能力而逃避職責的人)
mendicant = a pauper who lives by begging 乞丐;(尤指)托缽僧
panegyric, laudatory = a formal expression of praise
simulacrum = a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture)
simulacrum = a bad imitation
graft = corruption, usually through bribery
eponym = the name derived from a person (real or imaginary); 同名
canard = a deliberately misleading fabrication; fake news; lie
verisimilitude = having the appearance of being real; realism 貌似真實;逼真
raillery = light teasing (善意的)戲謔,批評,揶揄
row = an angry dispute 憤怒的爭執
despot = dictator 專橫者,專制者(尤指統治者)
modicum = a small or moderate or token amount (少量,一點點)
bastardization = an act that debases or corrupts 貶低或腐敗的行為
pastiche = (藝術品、音樂、文學作品等的)模仿作品
naysayer = 愛唱反調的人
obeisance = respect
sycophancy = 拍馬屁
abnegation = give up
repudiation = refuse
subversion = destroy
acquiescence, accession = 默許
snag, hitch = 障礙
revelations = 披露
incursions = 入侵
primates = 靈長類
tribute, encomium = 贊詞,頌詞
anthropogenic = 人為的
embargoes = 禁運
recession = (經濟)衰退期
parity = (尤指薪水或職位的)同等,平等
mystification, obfuscation = confusion, making something less clear; obfuscate
condemnation = 譴責,指責,聲討
rant = 怒吼;抱怨;叫嚷;大聲責罵
disquisition = 詳細說明,專題論述
exculpation = 為…開脫;證明
deference = 尊重,尊敬
consensus = 一致的意見;共識
compunction = 良心的不安;內疚;自責;後悔
dissent = 不同意,異議
forbearance = 耐心;寬容;克制
detestation = 厭惡
certitude = 確定;確信
stupefaction = 麻木狀態;驚慌失措
seclusion = 與世隔絕的
peculiarity = 特性
deficiency = 不足


amok = in a frenzied or uncontrolled state, insane
askance = with a look of suspicion or disapproval (懷疑地;斜視地)
amply = more than is adequate (充分)
haltingly = In a halting manner; with limping; hesitatingly; slowly.
assiduously = with care and persistence

GRE Question Vocab

yet = 然而
contention = 爭論
premise = 前提
barring = 除了
whereas = 然而
the latter = 後者
succeeding = 後面的
discrepancy = 差異
account for = 說明
elucidate = 解釋
alluded = 影射
substantiate = 證明
speculation = 推測
overlooked = 忽視
implication = 意味
corroborate = 證實,確證
ascribing =把…歸屬於;認為是…所說