Signal and System Analysis [3] - Sampling and System
What is Sampling
Many signals are continuous-time signals. Since Computer can handle data, but not continuous-time signals, we need sampling - extract signals at some time instants.
= Sampling Frequency
Amplify a signal
Start with an analogue signal .
We use to indicate that x is continuous. is a real number variable.
Is defined for all values of t, hence continuous.
The sampler converts to become a discrete-time signal
We use to indicate that x is discrete. is an integer variable.
is defined only at some time instants since n is an integer.
Discrete Time Signal
- Fourier transform
: aperiodic continuous-time signal
: samples of
Spectrum of : aperiodic
Spectrum of : periodic
What can x(t) and x[n] do?
Relationship between the spectrum of and the spectrum of :
Too Long Didn’t read…
Basically :
: aperiodic continuous-time signal
: samples of (discrete)
by sampling
by Fourier Transform
is not discrete
by Fourier Transform
is continuous
Shannon sampling theorem
If a real signal is sampled at frequency and the maximum frequency of the signal is at frequency , then:
A continuous-time aperiodic signal x(t) with frequencies no higher than can be reconstructed exactly from its samples if the samples are taken at a rate that is greater than
Nyquist rate:
Alias effect: original signal cannot be reconstructed even with an ideal low pass filter.
Happens when the sampling frequency is lower than twice the Nyquist frequency.
If ws >= 2 * max freq, then there is no overlap --> look the same
if ws < 2* max freq --> there will be overlapped, --> look different
Some Examples
Step 1: Find Frequency of the terms
Step 2: Use Shannon sampling theorem:
since is the max frequency
Step 1: Look at the table and carry out Fourier transform.
Then you get 2 pulse function.
Amplitude is , and 2 pulse function on the spectrum.
Step 1: Check if there is aliasing
Because () thus no aliasing
Step 2: Plug frequency into the formula. Note that
Step 3: Draw a spectrum within required space ( to ) in this case
and then make the signal periodic.
Note: In the graph, x axis is and the y axis is just some value.
Amplitude : leftmost constant
Sampling range : to where is the sampling frequency
Therefore Amplitude is , sampling range is to
Step 1: Check if there is aliasing
Because () does not satisfy thus there is aliasing
Step 2: Plug frequency into the formula. Note that
Step 3: Draw a spectrum within required space ( to ) in this case and then make the signal periodic.
Note: In the graph, x axis is and the y axis is just some value.
Amplitude : leftmost constant
Sampling range : to where is the sampling frequency
Therefore Amplitude is 700, sampling range is to
First concept:
Now you know that the max frequency is 10.
Step 1: Find frequency
Step 2 : Plug frequency into the formula. Note that
Sampling range : to where is the sampling frequency
Lastly, make it periodic (by substituting k).
Step 1: Find frequency
Step 2 : Plug frequency into the formula. Note that
If they overlap, the amplitude add up together
Sampling range : to where is the sampling frequency
Lastly, make it periodic (by substituting k).
Video for digestion
System Analysis
What is System Analysis?
Reminder: 2 Types of signal representation.
Time domain
Frequency domain
A model to represent the system. Use the model to relate the input and output of the system.
1 input 1 output.
There are two systems, Time system and discrete-time system.
Time system looks like this :
Discrete-time system looks like this :
Types of System
To describe a system
Memory : Whether the system will remember the input or not. Only consider current input.
Causal : Only consider past and current input. will not consider any future input.
Additive : If input consist of 2 parts, then the output is the sum of the 2 individual outputs.
Homogeneous : if the input is scaled, the output is also scaled (with same constant).
Linear : Have both Additive and Homogeneous properties.
Time invariant : The output will not change with time.
Linear System
- Output for (x1+x2) = output for x1 + output for x2
- Output for (a x1) = output of x1 scaled by a
- Additive + Homogeneous
Nonlinear System
output = input*input
Time invariant System
If an input is delayed by , then the output is also delayed by the same amount.
Linear time invariant (LTI) system
Many real-life systems can be approximated as linear and time invariant systems.
When a signal is fed into an LTI system, the output can be described as the convolution integral between the input signal and impulse response of the system.
Impulse response :
If input is a impulse function , the output will be impulse response
Convolutional Integral:
If the impulse response h(t) of an LTI system is known, the output of any input signal x(t) is the convolution integral of x(t) and h(t).
Convolution Representation of LTI Continuous-Time Systems
Basically, Remember this equation:
Convolution in Frequency Domain
Do you still remember this…?
Here y(t) = x(t) convolution v(t). But when it get fourier tranformed (Changed to frequency domain), it becomes Y(W) = X(W) multiply V(W).
Convolution in time domain becomes multiplication in frequency domain.
When Perform the calucation (Determine the LTI System Output using Fourier Transform)
What is meant by a system’s “impulse response” and “frequency response?”
System output =
- Convolution of the input signal and the impulse response in time domain
- Multiplication of the FT of the input signal and the transfer function in frequency domain
Examples of Convolution

First you need to draw the graph of x(t) and v(t). You need to know what does u(t) looks like.
Search for unit step function u(t)
Remember this equation, you will need a and Here, where replace
First draw , then replace with

Then draw , then replace with . And reflect the y axis by adding a negative.

Now you can find and by substituting .
Note : Therefore it should shift to right when you add a .
Look at the rightmost of the picture! is the overlapping part between and . If t is ranged from 0 to 1, the value from to is . Then you can calculate the integral and find .
Look at the rightmost of the picture! is the overlapping part between and . If t is ranged from 1 to 2, the value from to is . Then the value from to is -1. Then you can calculate the integral and find .
Look at the rightmost of the picture! is the overlapping part between and . If t is ranged from 1 to 2, the value from to is . Then you can calculate the integral and find .
Now by summing up the result, you get the final answer. You can substitute values of t to get the graph.

Another example of convolution
Question 1 (a) - Using the time-domain approach, determine the outputs at t = -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3.
First, Draw and , Note the input is , Therefore draw and
Then you get the graph of . Get the graph by substituting t = -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 and use the formula where .
Question 1 (b) - Using the frequency-domain approach, determine an expression for .
Note .
First, find and . Now you can find by multiplying to .
Then you need to tranform it back to .
In this case, this transform pair is used.
Now you should be able to find out and draw it out by substituting .
Question 2 - Evaluate the following continuous-time convolution integral
Lets make it .
Note you need to draw and . Actually you can do and instead. Same result.
Therefore, choose one function to flip. You can choose one that “seems” to be easier to flip.
I choose to flip here, therefore I get .
Then you get the graph of . Get the graph by substituting t and use the formula where .
Note if there is no overlap, . If there is overlap, you know what to do.