Mathematics Stuffs (Basic Concepts)

Calculations in rectangular form

Calculations in rectangular form

z=a+jbz = a+jb

w=c+jdw = c + jd


  • z+w=(a+c)+j(b+d)z+w = (a+c) + j(b+d)

  • zw=(ac)+j(bd)z-w = (a-c) + j(b-d)


  • zw=(a+jb)(c+jd)=(acbd)+j(ad+bc)zw = (a+jb)(c+jd)=(ac-bd) + j (ad+bc)

Note j2=1j^2= -1.


  • zw=a=jbc+jd=(a+jb)(cjd)(c+jd)(cjd)=ac+bd+j(bcad)c2+d2\frac{z}{w}=\frac{a=jb}{c+jd}=\frac{(a+jb)(c-jd)}{(c+jd)(c-jd)}=\frac{ac+bd+j(bc-ad)}{c^2+d^2}

Polar Form

Note p (magnitude) can only be postive.

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Khan’s Polar Form Review




Euler’s Relation

ejθ=cosθ+jsinθe^{j\theta} = cos\theta + jsin\theta

ejθ=cosθjsinθe^{-j\theta} = cos\theta - jsin\theta

cosθ=ejθ+ejθ2cos\theta = \cfrac{e^{j\theta}+e^{-j\theta}}{2}

sinθ=ejθejθ2jsin\theta = \cfrac{e^{j\theta}-e^{-j\theta}}{2j}

Plotting ejπe^{j\pi}

when we calculate Euler’s Formula for x=πx = \pi we get:

note here ii is acutally jj.

ejπ=1e^{j\pi} = -1

ej2π=1e^{j2\pi} = 1

ejπ/2=je^{j\pi/2} = j

ej3π2=je^{j\frac{3\pi}{2}} = -j

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Now we know that :

Exponential functions equals to
ejπe^{j\pi} 1-1
ejπ2e^{j\frac{\pi}{2}} jj
ejπ2e^{-j\frac{\pi}{2}} j-j
ej3π2e^{j\frac{3\pi}{2}} j-j
ejπ+ejπe^{j\pi}+e^{-j\pi} (1)+(1)=2(-1)+(-1) = -2
ejπ2+(ejπ2)e^{j\frac{\pi}{2}}+(e^{j\frac{\pi}{2}})^* j+(j)=0j + (-j) = 0
eπ+eπe^\pi + e^{-\pi} 23.184 (note there are no jj… just normal calulcation.)

Determine phase shift in a signal function (examples)


  1. Draw the x(t) = 1and y(t) = 1 graph
  2. Sub τ\tau = the number question required
  3. merge into the x(t) function and generate a new graph
  4. use the new graph to see whether the number match with v(t)v(t)
  5. The overlapping part is the y(τ)y(\tau)


A sinusoid is a signal that has its magnitude changes in time according to a sine function sin(θ\theta)

It is the basis of all signals.

sin(θ\theta) repeats itself for every 2π\pi change in θ\theta


Asin(2πft+ϕ)\Alpha sin(2\pi ft + \phi)

  • A\Alpha - Amplitude

  • ff - Frequency

  • ϕ\phi - Phase Shift

Acos(2πft)\Alpha cos(2\pi ft)

  • A\Alpha - Amplitude

  • ff - Frequency


Frequency f=1Tf = \frac{1}{T} where T = period.

Radian Frequency ω=2πf\omega = 2\pi f

Cos Signal and Sin Signal

Standard sin graph

Standard cos graph

Tan Signal

More about Graphs

Conversion of Signals

Note there is a 90 degree difference between sin and cos.

cos(ϕ)=sin(ϕ+π2)cos(\phi) = sin(\phi + \cfrac{\pi}{2})

sin(ϕ)=cos(π2ϕ)sin(\phi) = cos( \cfrac{\pi}{2} - \phi )

Transformations of Continuous-Time Signals

The rules same as graph transformation.

Image result for transformation of graph

More About Transformations of Continuous-Time Signals

Lets say there is a continuous-time signal x(t)x(t).

Function Transform
x(t)+2x(t)+ 2 Translation by 2 units upwards
x(t)2x(t)- 2 Translation by 2 units downwards
x(t+2)x(t+2) Translation by 2 units to Left Hand Side
x(t2)x(t-2) Translation by 2 units to Right Hand Side
x(t)-x(t) Reflection over x-axis
x(t)x(-t) Reflection over y-axis
2x(t)2x(t) Vertial stretch by a factor of 2 (y axis become twice)
12x(t)\frac{1}{2}x(t) Vertial compression by a factor of 12\frac{1}{2} (y axis become half)
x(12t)x(\frac{1}{2}t) Horizontal stretch by a factor of 12\frac{1}{2} (x axis become twice)
x(2t)x(2t) Horizontal compression by a factor of 2 (x axis become half)


x(2t2)x(2t-2) = x(2(t1))x(2(t-1))

  • w(t)w(t) = x(2t)x(2t)

  • y(t)y(t) = w(t1)w(t-1)

Therefore shrinking by a factor of 2, then translate to right by 1 unit.

How to determine the value of a,b and c so that y(t)=ax(bt+c)y(t)=ax(bt+c) by looking at the graph:



a = length of y axis

b = length of x axis

c = translation y(t)=w(t"actual translation you see in graph")y(t) = w(t-"actual\space translation\space you\space see\space in\space graph")

Period of combined signals

The Period equals to the LCM of the period of the signals.


  • Standard unit of angular measure

  • Equal to the length of the arc of a unit circle

  • 2π360\frac{2\pi}{360}

Some Special Trig function to remember:

sin(π)=0sin(\pi) = 0

tan1(0)=0tan^{-1}(0) = 0

tan1()=π/2tan^{-1}(\infty) = \pi/2

Signal Representation (examples)

Partial Fraction

It is a trick for linear functions and quadratic functions.

Basically, find A,B,C,D… (the variables) to get the job done.

Distinct Linear Factors

example :

You have this function 1x25x+6\frac{1}{x^2-5x+6}

since x25x+6=(x3)(x2)x^2-5x+6 = (x-3)(x-2)

1x25x+6=Ax3+Bx2\frac{1}{x^2-5x+6} = \frac{A}{x-3} + \frac{B}{x-2}

Multiply the whole thing with this x25x+6x^2-5x+6, and you will get :

1=(x2)A+(x3)B1 = (x-2)A + (x-3)B

Now, find A and B. Make 1 side in the right become 0, and then another side.

let x=2x=2 , 1=(22)A+(23)B1 = (2-2)A + (2-3)B

Therefore B=1B = -1.

Let x=3x=3 , 1=(32)A+(33)B1 = (3-2)A + (3-3)B

Therefore A=1A = 1.

So the decomposition is :

1x25x+6=1x3+1x2\frac{1}{x^2-5x+6} = \frac{1}{x-3} + \frac{-1}{x-2}

Distinct Linear Factors with imaginary

Example :

You have this function 1j+11j+2\frac{1}{j+1} \cdot \frac{1}{j+2}

1(j+1)(j+2)=Aj+1Bj+2\frac{1}{(j+1)(j+2)} = \frac{A}{j+1} \cdot \frac{B}{j+2}

Multiply the whole thing with this (j+1)(j+2)(j+1)(j+2), you will get :

1=(j+2)A+(j+1)B1 = (j+2)A + (j+1)B

note the form a+bja+bj.

1+0j=(j+2)A+(j+1)B1 + 0j = (j+2)A + (j+1)B

1+0j=2A+B+Aj+Bj1 + 0j = 2A+B + Aj+Bj

Looking at the imaginary part, A+B=0A+B = 0, A=BA = -B

Looking at the real part, 1=2A+B1 = 2A + B

Therefore 2AA=12A - A = 1

A=1,B=1A = 1, B = -1