Address Matching

Packet forwarding requires

  • Address matching
    • Followed by table lookup of output port
  • Moving the packet through the router (from input port to output port)
    • This involves scheduling, queueing, design of switch fabric etc, conventional aspects of switch design

Address matching

  • Longest prefix match – “best matching”
    • Find the smallest network that contains the destination

Longest Prefix Match

Longest Prefix Match: Search for the routing table entry that has the longest match with the prefix of the destination IP address

  • Search for a match on all 32 bits, then 31 bits, then 30, 29 ,28 … until 0 bits

Host route, loopback entry are => 32-bit prefix match

Default route is represented as => 0-bit prefix match


If we cannot find a match, use default route as answer.

How to do Longest Prefix Match in faster way?

  • Not as easy as exact match
    • because length will be changing, the value we are comparing are changing
    • unlike conventional binary search


  • Create a data structure for doing LPM
  • Convert the problem into a form so that we can do binary search
  • Reduce the problem to a sequence of exact match problems which we can apply hashing
  • Optimization based on distribution of prefix lengths
  • Combine software and hardware techniques

The Fast Longest Prefix Match Alogirthms

Fast LPM ( Longest Prefix Match ) Alogirthms includes:

  • Trie: bit-by-bit match
  • Binary search based on prefix length
  • Binary search among all prefixes in forwarding table

Notation and Terminology

Instead of address+mask, we use prefix* as short-hand.

Example: *, 00*, 001*, 11*

We store the set of prefixes found in a forwarding table into a Dictionary.

LPM with Trie

Trie pronounced as “Try”, derived from reTRIEval

Actual data structure also known as Patricia Trie – “Practical Algorithm To Retrieve Information Coded as Alphanumeric”

  • A tree for storing strings in which there is one node for every common prefix
  • Given an address, match by walking down the tree matching bit by bit
  • Implementation distributed in BSD Unix

Longest Prefix Matching with Trie

Given a Dictionary and the Match:

First we construct a binary tree for all *


To find the match, we follow bit by bit


Since it cant find the 5th one, we just match the furthest one with * which is the 3rd one (101*)

So the answer is 101*

101 will then be the longest prefix for this address

Maintaining a Trie

  • Adding/Removing new entries are easy

Collaspsing Non-branching Paths

In order to have a simpler representation, we do a collapsing on the non-branching paths.

  • Combine non-branching paths into a single path




Performance of Trie

  • Lookup time
    • O(w)O(w), where ww is the average size of addresses in the dictionary
    • or O(logN)O(\log N) where NN is number of prefixes in dictionary
  • It gets much worse for IPv6 (128 bit addresses)

Binary search based on prefix length

  • Group all prefixes of the same length together and put them into a hash table
  • So we have up to ww hash tables (w=32w=32 for IPv4)
  • If we try each hash table one by one, then in worst case it takes O(w)O(w) tries → not good
  • In Binary search, we pick the root node as w2\frac{w}{2} bits (w2=16\frac{w}{2}=16 for IPv4)


Each entry has 3 things: [Prefix, Flag, LSF]

Flag : Off = True address (need not to find LSF), On = Imaginary address (need to find LSF)

LSF : longest-so-far (Real entry)

Example: Binary search based on prefix length (8-bit)

Given dictionary:


First form a tree

  • Fill in all the dictionary prefixes into hash tables
  • Then from smallest node but larger bit, add the entries into upper node and mark the flag on
  • for entries with flag on, find LSF which is the equal or smaller length of prefix in dictionary

Table 3

Prefix Flag LSF
001* Off
101* Off
111* Off

Table 2

Prefix Flag LSF
00* On 00
11* On 11
10* On *

Table 1

Prefix Flag LSF
0* Off

Table 5

Prefix Flag LSF
10100* Off
10011* Off

Table 8

Prefix Flag LSF
10101010* Off
11001100* Off

Table 7

Prefix Flag LSF
1101110* Off
0101101* Off
1010101* On 101*
1100110* On 11*

Table 6

Prefix Flag LSF
100001* Off
100100* Off
010110* On 0101* => 010110*
110111* On 11*
101010* On 101*
110011* On 11*

Table 4

Prefix Flag LSF
0001* Off
0101* On 0101
1000 On *
1001 On *
1101 On 11*
1010 On 101*
1100 On 11*

The Steps:

  • First form a tree
  • First Fill in all the dictionary prefixes into hash tables
  • Then from smallest node but larger bit, add the entries into upper node and mark the flag on
  • for entries with flag on, find LSF which is the equal or smaller length of prefix in dictionary

A More detailed example on hash table 1,2,3

  • First fill in all the dictionary prefixes into hash tables

Table 3

Prefix Flag LSF
001* Off
101* Off
111* Off

Table 2

Prefix Flag LSF
00* Off
11* Off

Table 1

Prefix Flag LSF
0* Off
  • Then from smallest node but larger bit, add the entries into upper node and mark the flag on

Table 3

Prefix Flag LSF
001* Off
101* Off
111* Off

Table 2

Prefix Flag LSF
00* On
11* On
10* On

Table 1

Prefix Flag LSF
0* Off
  • for entries with flag on, find LSF which is the equal or smaller length of prefix in dictionary

    • If cant found, then fill in *

Table 3

Prefix Flag LSF
001* Off
101* Off
111* Off

Table 2

Prefix Flag LSF
00* On 00
11* On 11
10* On *

Table 1

Prefix Flag LSF
0* Off

Then do the same to other nodes recursively and we can eventually get all the tables done.

Binary search among all prefixes in forwarding table

  • Think of each prefix as a range:
    • E.g. for 16 bits, 01* = in range of [0100000000000000, 0111111111111111]
  • Represent each prefix by two padded prefixes
  • Sort all the padded prefixes
  • For a given IP address to lookup, do a binary search on the sorted, padded prefixes
  • This gives you the smallest range the IP address falls into and the corresponding longest match prefix

Example Binary search among all prefixes in forwarding table


After Sorting:


So when finding best matched prefix:

  • If Left bracket at Left:
  • If Right bracket at Left:
    • count back,
    • adding 1 for )
    • -1 for (
    • till you reach -1

Try 11000


But this “counting back” can take a long time, therefore we need to do pre-computation

Create a lookup table based on the range

> column contains the LPM result for the input address having a binary value greater than the current entry but smaller than the next one.

  • > means IP address greater than current value and smaller than the next row value
  • = means IP address equal to current value



Now you get a lookup table.


Then remove duplicates (need to update the > or = item, depends on which duplicate you delete)

Not delete in pairs, this example is just a coincidence.



Finally the table looks like:


Lets say we want to find for 10001.

10001 is higher and 10000 but smaller than 10011

Therefore 100 is the answer.

Another Example


Prefix Ranges of padded version
* 000000 - 111111
1* 100000 - 111111
01* 010000 - 011111
10* 100000 - 101111
001* 001000 - 001111
110* 110000 - 110111
1101* 110100 - 110111
0111* 011110 - 011111

After sorting:


Now you get a lookup table.

> =
000000 * *
001000 001 001
001111 * 001
010000 01 01
011110 0111 0111
011111 01 0111
011111 * 01
100000 1 1
100000 10 10
101111 1 10
110000 110 110
110100 1101 1101
110111 110 1101
110111 1 110
111111 * 1
111111 - *

After remove dupilcates and update
