Steps of Media Production
3 stage of media production
Pre-production (I.C.S.S.S.B.)
- Ideas - Proposal & Synopses
- Create Story
- Script writing
- Storyboard & Shot List
- Schedules
- Budgets(1T2M) - (1T)Time, (2M)manpower & money
Stage 1 : Owner, Producer, Director, & Script Writer
Stage 2 : Assistance Producer, Assistant Director & Script Team
Stage 3 : Cameraman, Art-Director, Music-Director
Production (S.E.R.S.P.)
- Safety
- Equipment Setup - Camera, lighting, Audio
- Rehearsals - Actor & crew
- Shooting & recording
- Playback checkup
Post-production (O.C.O.A.V.)
- Offline editing - shot selection
- Create visual effect
- Online editing - with visual & transition effect
- Audio dubbing & mixing
- Video output - Blu-Ray, DVD, mov, wmv
Elements of Storytelling
Three-Act Structure
- Act one: It is the set-up, introduce the characters & the situation
- Act two: It contains the main body part of the story
- Act three: It exists to tie up the loose ends & the general rule is, the quicker the better
5 Channel of Communication (V.G.S.M.N.)
- Visual Image
- Graphic
- Speech
- Music
- Noise(SFX)
Stage of Script Writing
- Ideas & Synopses - Concept
- Story - Treatment
- Start with a Strong Opening
- Causality(因果關係) is Crucial
- Introduce your main character
- Provide an indication(先兆) of Character Motivation
- The ending is equally important & be equally strong
- Story - First Draft
- Character
- Creating the World
- Action
- Tone & Genre
- Dialogue
- Story - Second Draft
- Voice-over
- Making dialogue convincing
- Refining(精煉) dialogue
- Beginning & ending
- Story - Editing
- Critiquing(批判) & Feedback
- Analysis: character & world
- Analysis: action, interaction & structure
- After effect & meaning
Camera Shot list
- 1.Extra Wide Shots
- Used to show the subject from a distance, or the area in which the scene is taking place, (突出環境) time, characters…
- establishing a scene(建立場景)
- Outdoor
- 2.Wide Shots(w/s)
- Shows the subject from top to bottom;
- for a person, this would be head to toes(全身), though not necessarily filling the frame(不一定要填滿畫面).
- This shot often sets the scene and our character's place in (突出人物所在場景,相比 Extra Wide Shots)
- Indoor
- 3.Full Shot(f/s)
- Frames character's full body, with the subject roughly filling the frame.
- more on action and movement rather than a character's emotional state.(多數用在動作上)
- 4.Medium Shot(m/s)
- Shows part of the subject in more detail(突出細節)
- one of the most common shots seen in films
- Upper part of body
- 5.Close up(c/u)
- between a Medium Shot and a Close-Up, generally framing the subject from chest or shoulder up.(胸&肩膀之上)
- Shows Dialog/ Emotion/ Facial expression
- 6.Extra / Big Close Up
- Emphasizes a small area or detail of the subject, such as the eye(s) or mouth.(突出面部的一部分)
- Shows emotions and reaction f character(反應)
- 7.Over Shoulder Shot
- A popular shot where a subject is shot from behind the shoulder of another(在主體對手後面), framing the subject anywhere from a Medium to Close-Up
- showing reactions during conversations(突出對話期間反應)
- Emphasizes the linkage between the characters(突出兩個speaker之間的聯繫)
Camera Movement
- Pan (Side to Side)(Pan left to right)
- Tilt (up to down)(Tilt up to down)
- Zoom (in to out)(Zoom in to out)
- Track (side to side)(Track left to right)
- Dolly (in to out)(Dolly in to out)
- Crane (up to down)(Crane up to down)
**Can be combined together.
Camera Functions & Exposure
- Shutter speed
- Normal(human eyes) or High (1/50 – 1/10000)
- Videocam default 1/50
Types of Lighting
Ambient Light (環境光)
- It already exist in the sense, such as natural light or room light
- Soft light
Incident Light (入射光)
- it is a light source such as the sun or a table lamp
- Hard light
Reflected light (反射光)
- it is bounced off a surface.(反射一個表面)
- Soft light (the most softest light)
Hard light
it is directly from a light source
Soft light
- it is indirectly from a light source
Three point lighting
- Key light
- Main light on the subject
- Back light
- Strong light from the rear(back) of the subject.
- Strongest light
- Fill light
- fill out shadows and balance the key light.
Types of Microphone
- Dynamic Microphone(動圈式麥克風)
- general-purpose use
- simple design with few moving parts
- sturdy and resilient to rough handling.(堅固和韌性的粗暴處理)
- better suited to handling high volume levels
- no internal amplifier(內部放大器) and do not require batteries or external power.
- Condenser Microphone(電容式麥克風)
- require power from a battery or external source
- audio signal is stronger signal
- more sensitive(敏感) and responsive than dynamics, making them well-suited to capturing subtle(細微) nuances(差別) in a sound
- not ideal for high-volume work, as their sensitivity makes them prone to distort.
Post Production
Editing Methods
- Linear Editing(線性剪輯)
- video is selectively copied from one tape(磁帶) to another.
- requires at least two video machines connected together — one acts as the source and the other is the recorder.
- Non-Linear Editing(非線性剪輯)
- recorded (captured) onto a computer hard drive and then edited using specialized software
- finished product is recorded back to tape or optical disk when it is completed
- Live Editing(實時/線上剪輯)
- multiple cameras and other video sources are routed through a central mixing console(通過中央混合主控台路由) and edited in real time.
Video Transition
- Cut
- Most common type transition effect
- replacing one shot instantly(瞬間/即時) with the next.
- Dissolve
- A gradual(漸進) fade from one shot to the next is known as a dissolve.
- Wipe
- one shot is progressively replaced by another shot in a geometric(幾何) pattern. There are many types of wipe, from straight lines to complex shapes.
Video Format
- 720x480
- 30/29.97fps(frame rates)
- 720x576
- 25.17fps(frame per sec.)
- 1920x1080
- 30/29.97fps(frame rates)
- 1920x1080
- 25.17fps(frame per sec.)
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