Software Engineering - Refactoring and Code Smell
Definition: Improving design without changing functionality
Allows incremental design evolution
automated test suiter help ensure that refactoring preserves the functionality
- We use Unit Test to check that the Refactoring is successful!
Triggering for refactoring
- adding new feature - need to change design to implement the feature
- “Code smells” : indication of potential design problem
Sample code smells
Definition: Indicators of Potential Problems
A code smell, if you’ll recall, is a superficial characteristic of code that is often indicative of deeper problems. It’s similar in concept to the term “red flag” for interpersonal relationships.
Large method (function)
- What is large => depends on program language
- Benefits of breaking up large function into smaller pieces
- easier to understand (modularization, naming functions to improve readability)
- may be able to reuse code
- easier to test => can write unit tests for each part
Large class (“God class”)
- Large = several dozens and up
- Class that assures too many responsibilities
- Refactoring: break up into smaller classes => e.g. introducing a design pattern
Feature Envy/ Long parameter list (too many arguments!)
- the method has too many responsibilities
- for library code, it is okay. but for application code, it is not!
Data clamps
set of variables always passed together
print Rectangle(ul_x int, ul_y int, br_x int, br_y int, color Color)
- Refactoring: group variables into meaning uses
print Rectangle(ulc Point, brc Point, color Color)
- Refactoring: group variables into meaning uses
Excessive method chain:
- e.g.
- e.g.
Duplicate Code
Potential source of bugs => if chance to one clone requires updating other clones
Increased maintence because more code
Key question: what is the intent for duplications?
- are the cones intended to evolve together or to diverge
- => Achieve no coupling!
- a clarification comment is a code smell. It tells you that your code is too complex.
- good code is self-documenting
Switch Statement
- Difficult to maintain
- Switching on type is a bad OOP style
- Adding new type involve updating the whole thing!
Magic number
- unexplained constants
- they don’t give any indication as to why they’re present
- unexplained constants
Primitive obession
- primitive data types are used excessively
- For value types (number + structure + logic)
Speculative generality
- too flexible, assumed too much
- e.g. using Message Strategy to print out “Hello World”
Shotgun surgery
- Modifing one requriement need to changing too much places in the code
- Hard to refractor
Some solutions to tackle the code smell
Large method
- pulled out (extract) methods + Refactoring Switch
- pulled out (extract) methods
Switch Statement
- Strategy design with Subclass and Polymorphism
Primitive Obsession
- Introduce classes
- E.g. We should use Money class for currency
- Why? Because money can be encapsulated with methods e.g. currency conversation, rounding etc.
Large method Example:
Switch Statement Example:
Practice Questions
An Example: Video Store Inventory
Consider a program that calculates and prints a statement of a customer’s charges at a video store:
- Movies are rented by customers for a given number of days.
- Three kinds of movies: regular, children’s and new releases.
- Customers accumulate frequent renter “points”.
Class diagram:
- Movie can have 0…* rental, but a rental must have 1 movie
- Rental can only have 1 customer, but a customer can have 0…* rental
Java implementation:
1 | public class Movie { |
Based on the code above, please answer the following questions.
Question 1 Identify at least four code smells in this implementation. What are they? Where do they occur in the code (name the relevant program element(s))?
Smell: Large method
(long because showing too much detail: calculation and printing, and because of switch statement)
Smell: Switch Statement
(difficult to maintain)
Smell: Magic number
Smell: Comments
Smell: Large Method
Smell: Code duplication
Smell: Primitive Obession
Also: representing money as double rather than a Money class
Question 2 Please draw a class diagram of a refactored design that addresses these smells. Indicate the content of the key methods in your design. What design patterns or refactoring have you applied?
My answer:
- Recall the original one:
- Then apply strategy method
- Movie is the Context
- MovieType is the Strategy
- StrategyA : Regular, StrategyB: NewRelase, StrategyC: Children
Model answer:
The class diagram and below are the result of refactoring to addresses the smells listed above. “Primitive Obsession” and “Switch statement” were addressed by refactoring to the Strategy pattern (MovieType). “Code duplication” was addressed by applying Template Method in MovieType. “Long method” was addressed by extracting the steps of statement printing as separate, private methods. “Comments” was addressed by defining methods explaining the constants.