
Reference Book:

M. Morris Mano and Charles R. Kime, Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2008

Number Systems

Decimal numbers

A digit is a single place that can hold numerical values between 0 and 9.

Binary numbers

Only two values in a binary digit: 0 and 1.


(11010)2=1×24+1×23+0×22+1×21+0×20=26(11010)_{2} = 1\times2^{4}+1\times2^3+0\times2^2+1\times2^1+0\times2^0 = 26

Conversion from Decimal

Method 1: Use Calculator

Method 2:


  • Radix-1 complement: each digital of the number is subtracted from the radix
  • Radix complement: add a 1 to the radix-1 complement of the number.

Complements Example – 1 and 2’s complement in a binary system. (to represent -ve number in a computer)

  • 1’s complement: invert each bit of a number from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0.
  • 2’s complement: add a 1 to the 1’s complement

In computer, byte instead of bit is used as the minimum unit for data storage and retrieval.

Common Data Types

Fixed-Point Number

For Postive Number:

For Negative Number:

Lets say we want to represent -5.

(5)10(5)_{10} is (0,000,0101)b(0,000, 0101)_{b}

-> 1’s complement (invert all bits)

(5)10(-5)_{10} is (1,111,1010)b(1,111, 1010)_{b}

-> 2’s complement (plus a 1)

(5)10(-5)_{10} is (1,111,1011)b(1,111,1011)_b

For Number with Decimal Point (IEEE single precision):


Method1 to find binary:

12=6×2+012 = 6\times2 + 0

6=3×2+06 = 3\times2+0

3=1×2+13 = 1\times2+1

1=0×2+11 = 0\times2 + 1

See the number after + sign from bottom to top.

Therefore 12=1100b12 = 1100_b

0.125×2=0.250.125\times2 = 0.25

0.25×2=0.50.25\times2 = 0.5

0.5×2=10.5 \times 2 = 1

See the number before . sign from top to bottom.

There 0.125=001b0.125 = 001_b

Method2 to find binary:

12=1×23+1×22+0×21+0×20=1100b12 = 1\times2^3+1\times2^2+0\times2^1+0\times2^0 = 1100_b

0.125=0×21+0×22+1×23=001b0.125 = 0\times2^{-1} + 0\times2^{-2} + 1\times2^{-3} = 001_b

-> 12.0125=1100.001b-12.0125 = -1100.001_b

To find exponent : move the dot to after the first number => count how many number moved

1100.001b=>1.100001b-1100.001_b => -1.100001_b

Sign bit: S=1S = 1 (Negative Number)

Exponent: E=3E = 3 => 127+3127+3 => 130130 => 10000010210000010_2 (Note the exp bias is 127)

Mantissa: 100001 ~0 (The number after .)

Then the whole stuff is : 1 1000001 0100001 0b1\space1000001\space0100001\space0_b

Then change them to hex number.

11000001=C111000001 = C1

01000010=4201000010 = 42

00000000=0000000000 = 00

00000000=0000000000 = 00

Therefore the solution is C1420000HC1420000_H

To do it backwards : (From IEEE to Decimal)

Why There is a Bias 127 in Exponent in IEEE 754 Standard Single Precision

ASCII code

BCD code (Binary-Coded Decimal code)

  • Only 0-9 are represented in binary

  • For decimal Arithmetic operations in computer

From Boolean algebra to Computer

How a computer thinks

Boolean algebra can be realized with tiny electronic components called logic gates.

Any logical operation can be composed with the 3 basic logical operations.

Basic logical operations:

  • NOT(!) - Notice the bubble o
  • AND(*) - Looks Like a D
  • OR(+)

Any logical operation can be composed in either of 2 forms

Sum of Product (Notice the gate!)

Product of Sum (Notice the gate!)

Read Here to understand the concept of SOP and POS

Basic Identities of Boolean Algebra

X+0=XX + 0 = X

X+1=1X + 1 = 1

X=X\overline{\overline{X}} = X

X1=XX\cdot1 = X

X0=0X\cdot 0=0

Special Note:

X+X=XX + X = X

X+X=1X + \overline{X} = 1

XX=XX\cdot X=X

XX=0X\cdot \overline{X}=0

Commutative :

X+Y=Y+XX+Y = Y+X


Associative :

X+(Y+Z)=(X+Y)+ZX + (Y+Z) = (X+Y)+Z


Distributive :


X+YZ=(X+Y)(X+Z)X + YZ = (X+Y)(X+Z)

DeMorgan’s Theorem

Usage of basic identities and the DeMorgan’s Theorem

Lets see this example.

Z=XˉYˉ+XˉY+X.YˉZ = \bar{X}\cdot\bar{Y} + \bar{X}\cdot Y + X.\bar{Y}

First, Use the Distributive approach (Draw common factor of Xˉ\bar{X}).

Z=Xˉ(Yˉ+Y)+XYˉZ = \bar{X}\cdot (\bar{Y}+Y)+X\cdot\bar{Y}

Note that Yˉ+Y=1\bar{Y} + Y = 1.

Z=Xˉ1+XYˉZ = \bar{X}\cdot 1 + X \cdot \bar{Y}

Note that Xˉ1\bar{X}\cdot 1 is Xˉ\bar{X}.

Z=Xˉ+XYˉZ = \bar{X} + X\cdot\bar{Y}

Now Use DeMorgan’s Law.

Z=(X(Xˉ+Y))Z = \overline{(X\cdot(\bar{X}+Y))}

Then Use the Distributive approach.

Z=(XX+XY)Z = \overline{(X\cdot\overline{X}+X\cdot Y)}

Note that XˉX=0\bar{X}\cdot X=0, Therefore the Simpliest form is :

Z=XYZ = \overline{X\cdot Y}

Boolean Function

  • well defined with its corresponding truth table

Canonical Forms

to specify Boolean functions in a form that allows comparison for equality.

  • Sum of Minterms (SOM)
  • Product of Maxterms (POM)

What is meant by Minterm and Maxterm?


Minterm( \cdot )

  • A product term in which each of the n variables appears once
  • (in either its complemented or normal form).
  • Example : AA and GG can produce 4 minterms : AGAG,AGˉA\bar{G},AˉGˉ\bar{A}\bar{G},AˉG\bar{A}G

Maxterm( ++ )

  • A sum term in which each of the n variables appears once
  • (in either its complemented or normal form).
  • Example : AA and GG can produce 4 maxterms : A+GA+G,A+GˉA+\bar{G},Aˉ+G\bar{A}+G,Aˉ+Gˉ\bar{A}+\bar{G}

Connection Among the terms

\sum means the sum. \prod means the product.

mm Means the minterm while MM means the maxterm.

sum of minterms(numbers) = product of maxterms(not the numbers in minterm)

m(0,3,4,6,7)=M(1,2,5)\sum m(0,3,4,6,7) = \prod M(1,2,5)

Boolean Function Optimization

Literal Cost


  • a variable or it complement

Literal Cost

  • the number of literal appearances in a Boolean expression
  • It is Better to have a lower literal cost.
  • Example : F=BD+AˉBC+ACD;F = BD + \bar{A}BC + ACD; Therefore L=8L = 8 . (2+3+3)

Gate Input Cost

  • the number of inputs to the gates (G – inverters not counted)
  • It is Better to have a lower Gate Input cost.
  • Example :


Kmap (Karnaugh Map) (Very Important)

More Details


one of the tools to get simplest expression of a Boolean function.

  1. Turn a Truth Table into a Representation of Functions in the Map.
  2. Minimize no. of groups (circle the square groups (only 2 or 4 or 8) (Circle the 1s)
  3. For each group, minimize the literal cost (no. of variables in a product)
  4. Don’t care terms = X. You can consider the X as 0 or 1 during grouping.
  5. Plot all the circled numbers out (ABCD). Cross out if there exist both 1 and 0.

Some Exercise/Examples Here:




To derive minimal boolean function of any circuit, you can use the 3 approach :

Approach 1 : Use Truth Table

Approach 2 : Use K-map to simplify (Recommend)

Approach 3 : Directly derive it from the circuit (You may get wrong easily)